Saturday, June 25, 2011

It's Been Way Too Long...

Where has the time gone??  It's been two whole months since my last post and that is way too long to have been away!  I've missed my blog!

Well, let's see....Work has been consuming...Relationships can at times encompass a lot of your free time....Giving back to the community needs it's fair share....Then there are friends, social events, extracurricular activities, family time, errands, travel, etc....Basically, LIFE sometimes gets in the way of our hobbies. I have strayed and I seriously need to do a better job of managing my time so that life doesn't get in the way of expressing myself on Let's Parlez. I love this blog and I want to make sure that I dedicate my time to it so that it grows and blossoms! 

I will make a better effort moving forward!!...I promise. <3

- KHurly Girl