Monday, October 18, 2010

I Have A New "Saying"

The other night I was catching up on shows I had previously DVR'd and I watched one of my favs, Grey's Anatomy...At the end of the show, McDreamy (do they even call him that anymore? lol) and Meredith are lying in bed and they were spending a few quality moments together after a full day of work in the hospital. After a rant about her (Meredith's) life and the possible things that could go wrong in it McDreamy says to her, "Whatever happens, happens! Let's just live!"

Now, why was this line so significant to me you ask!? Well, I'll tell you... :-) It was so simple but powerful in it's own rite, with the most powerful part being "LET'S JUST LIVE." Too often, we don't live in the moment and we don't take the time to just "be." Instead, we try to decipher, control and/or respond to situations in our lives.  But sometimes the best response is just to live and experience whatever is, whatever is to come, and/or whatever it is that you don't understand. Life is about learning and living and experiencing! We should all try to do more of it instead of worrying about what's coming up next...So, to all of you I say, "Whatever happens, happens! Let's just live!"


KHurly Girl