Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Great Pretenders with Envious Eyes on the Realist

In this life, there are two types of people – the Realist and the Pretenders. 

The Pretenders walk this Earth trying to be something that they are not, imitating things that they see and people around them.  They pretend that their lives are much grander than they ultimately are.  They brag about things to make themselves feel better, when all the while they are simply insecure about themselves.  They feel that if they don’t attain a certain position in life, a certain amount of money, certain material things, or even a certain person – that life just isn’t right.  They have a hard time accepting the hand that “real life” has dealt them, so they attempt to create a surreal existence where they are untouchable to the many things that affect us all.  They TRY to present an outer “beauty” to the world but this is simply so that people don’t peer too deeply into their inner-being and see just how ugly they truly are.  They are liars, manipulators, fake “friends,” low self-esteem having, poor excuse totting members of the human race -- overall, they are misled people.  They are not afraid to attempt to derail another person that is close to them for their own personal gain or for no reason at all except pure jealousy.  They pretend that the sometimes harsh reality of life doesn’t affect them, they attempt to appear bigger and better than the experiences we all go through in life.  They don’t realize that God has put these “bumps” in our pathway so that we can grow, adapt, and change into better human beings.  In the end, the Pretenders are also the losers in this life because what they fail to realize is that things done in the dark always come to light and that eventually the “ugly” inner-being WILL show through.  Those material things that they have attained may cost a lot but they honestly hold little real value.  Their outer beauty will fade or could be taken away in an instant.  And for my Pretender women, when the weave comes out, the roots grow out, the makeup comes off, and you’re stripped of your label-whore ways and other material things – you’re just as God made you!  Which of course can't be bad; but of course maybe it isn’t too attractive either (LOL), get over it and stop being jealous of others. 

The Realist walk this Earth knowing that life isn’t perfect and that sometimes they are thrown curveballs.  They realize that they may not be where they want to be in life but until life is over, they have time to make the necessary moves to get where they want and need to be.  They don’t brag because they know that what they have is not only through their works but most importantly the result of God working in their lives.  They understand that their true value is not a representation of any material thing they may possess. They know that no matter how much money they make, it will never give them happiness or peace because that comes from within; although, this doesn’t keep them from striving to be the best person they can be or from attaining wealth.  They roll with the punches that life has dealt them.  They know that inner beauty is what keeps people in your lives and that outer beauty will certainly fade.  They value their friendships and are true friends, dependable people, and trustworthy in nature.  No, they aren’t perfect and they most certainly have made some mistakes in life but their existence is not based on pettiness or competition because they realize that their true purpose is to learn and to grow. They know that life can be challenging at times but they are not here to put others down as they move upwards, they are not even here to be concerned about what the next person is doing at all – they are here to learn from their mistakes and from others, and to teach those around them, in an effort to enlighten the masses and those intertwined with their life purpose.  In the end, the Realists are the winners in life because they choose to live in the light and seek to remove themselves from situations that reflect the dark.  Realists are true light seekers by nature because the light represents truth and purity in a world that sometimes seems corrupted by those that choose to seek darkness.   Realist women know that no amount of weave, makeup, or material things will make her a better person than anyone else – she knows that her inner-beauty and character are the true defining traits that set her apart from others.  She knows that God has defined a purpose and plan for her life and there is no reason to be jealous of anyone or anything.

Some of you have chosen to walk the path of the Pretender while others choose to be the Realist, while others walk the fine line somewhere in between.  Just know there are consequences to every action – and whether there is action or no action, there will still be a reaction!  Sleep on it and choose your path wisely…

Thanks for reading…… J

KHurly Girl

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Keep It Moving...

I recently moved and let me tell you -- moving is one of my LEAST favorite things to do in this world!  But of course moving has it's positives also because it's a new beginning in uncharted waters.  It's a fresh start!  It's a chance to organize and/or re-organize so that you can get your home in some type of order. And in my case, I am exceedingly blessed to have had my mom by my side along the way to help me out...Ok, who am I kidding...LOL. My mom did not just "help" me out; she is the ONLY reason that I was able to pull this move off without a hitch and I am so thankful for all of her help! 

So, enough about my move...Let's get down to business!  Basically, the physical act of moving made me think about its relationship to life.  In life, there are times when you need to pack up the past in preparation for changes in your present so that you can move into the future. In order to prepare for your move, you need to dust off those pieces of "furniture" and other household items to see what exactly you want to take with you into the future and what you want to leave throw away and/or donate -- Read: PEOPLE. Next, you need to sort through the "papers and other things" to figure out what's important -- Read: ISSUES and SITUATIONS.  Then, you have to coordinate with "movers" to figure out the cost of the move and if the time you have in mind is a viable option -- Read: GOD and PRAYER.  You also need to pack up everything and prepare it to go with you on this journey into the future, making sure that you've got all of the fragile and important items sorted through and you have enough boxes to hold your things -- Read: A CLEAR MIND, FOCUS, and THE STRENGTH TO MOVE FORWARD. Each of these steps are part of your "move" and are components necessary to assess your present situation in regard to your future and it's success.  All in all, these moments are precious and extrememly important so that you can truly determine what aspects of your life need some fine tuning and what items need to be removed from your life. Think about it and take the time to prepare for that "move"...Trust me, you'll thank yourself later! ;-)

- KHurly Girl