Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Summer's Coming to an End!!

Well, it had to happen sooner or later -- summer is officially whinding down! August is closing it's doors as of today...School is resuming across the US...It's getting cooler in the evenings...The sun is hiding itself from us a little earlier everyday...Fun in the sun is soon to be a part of the past because leaves will soon be on the ground.  It can all be sort of depressing, can't it?!  Just a little bit?!....LOL, nawwww, not really unless you've been diagnosed with Seasonal Affect Disorder (SAD)!  But seriously, we go through it every year of our lives so we should be adjusted to it by now.  It's a part of life! 

But this time of year should make you think about the transitions in our lives that we deal with regularly in almost every aspect. Every year we're forced to go through the seasonal changes, not by choice but by circumstance, because that's just the way life goes and the way God created this world to be.  And as a result, it brings about periods of reflection and prompts change. Or at least it should to an extent...LOL.  This should be the time that you sit back, think about the last few months and reflect, and plan for this next phase and/or next chapter in your life. It could even be something special that forces you to focus on the transitions like a relationship, child, job, or even those 5 lbs you gained from being with that new man or woman. LOL. Whatever the reason, now is the time...Use it to your advantage!  And keep in mind that every change, transition, etc. has a beauty of it's own.  Fall, in particular, is a beautiful time of the year. All of the colors...The beginning preparation of the land for rebirth in the spring...Fall clothing!!  I mean, the clothing is enough for me, I love fall...LOL.  But I digress, haha.  Just know that this is the time of the year to use as a marker for your life -- embrace the changes of the season and apply it to your life!  I wrote another blog that was a little similar a few months back called "Life is for the Birds"...Take a look it as well if you have time!

Anyhow....So long summer, we will miss you... :-)  And remember, "It's not important where we stand, but in what direction we are headed."

Until next time!!

KHurly Girl