Thursday, January 27, 2011

I Really Know How it Feels to be Stressed Out....

Let's time travel back to early 2005 for a second...(picture this) I'm in my first semester of grad school.  Things aren't going very well with my first few classes because I am working full-time and learning how to balance my time between school, relationship, work, and other social activities. I'm nervous that my company won't reimburse my tuition if I don't receive a B or higher in my courses.  I am completely stressed out!!  The next thing I know, I'm experiencing chest pains...So bad that it felt like I could have been experiencing a heart attack.  After a few episodes of this, I drag myself to an emergency room.  I have x-rays done, EKGs, sent to a cardiologist for assessment, another EKG and stress tests.  What do they determine from all of these tests?  Basically, nothing...Well, accept for the fact that the chest pains are unexplained, not a heart issue, and likely due to my high stress levels. This was a serious wake up call for me!  I vowed from this point on to learn to deal with my stress better. 

My situation was an extreme wakeup call for me but there are others who aren't so lucky when health related issues rear their head as a result of stress. Stress can cause aches/pains, dizziness and nausea, chest pain and a rapid heartbeat, loss of your sex drive, increase/decrease in your appetite, loss of sleep, isolation, use of drugs, alcohol and other substances, moodiness and irritability, memory problems, racing thoughts, depression, nervous habits, and the list goes on and on.  I mean, who doesn't know what it feels like to deal with stress?!  It's a natural part of life but how we cope with it is what makes the real difference.  You may not recognize the signs of stress but it's necessary to incorporate habits into your lifestyle that combat your daily stresses.

One of my favorite ways of de-stressing is to turn my music up really loud and sing my heart out...LOL.  Now, this may not work for everyone but it's a great stress reliever for me.  I also love to dance so I'll make time to hang out with friends for a night on the town or just stand infront of my bedroom mirror and shake what my momma gave me...LMBO.  Either way, dancing is also a wonderful stress reliever.  I also like to release my stress through other forms of exercise like cardio and a great sex session.  Ok, so sex may not be a viable "form of exercise" but if you're putting in work then it can be...and it also promotes the release of hormones that are natural stress relievers. All great benefits!! LOL.  ;-)  I also like to take a nice hot bath or shower because it seems to help wash all your cares away for the moment and puts my mind at ease.  Sometimes hanging out with friends, either just getting in a few laughs or actually talking about the source of your stress is helpful as well.  There is nothing like a good laugh with great friends!  It's also always good to have a support system and people you can talk to about things that are bothering you; keeping it in does more harm than good.  And I do have to admit that at times a drink, preferably a glass of wine for the extra health benefits, can be a girl's bestfriend at the end of a stressful day.  Oh, and I can't forget the massages and/or pedicure to relax my mind -- it leaves you feeling so peaceful.  Of course there are a ton of other ways to relieve stress but those are just a few things I like to incorporate into my regular routine. 

What do you do to cope with your daily stress?  If you're not doing anything, you may want to consider a new plan of attack...Just know that the more you stress, the harder it is to shut off and it can lead to serious health problems down the road.  I share because I care, people..... :-)

KHurly Girl