Monday, December 12, 2011

Coincidence or Not??

<= A few weeks ago I got a fortune cookie that read this -- see pic.  Now, I didn't ponder over it too long the day I saw it but since then it's been laying on my desk at work, and the "whole coincidence or not" concept has been on my mind.  The thought itself was interesting to me because in general I'm one of those people who believe things don't really happen by chance and coincidences don't really exist -- primarily a fatalism viewpoint.  But as I pondered those 3 words on the small slip of paper from my fortune cookie, I couldn't help but to think that maybe some things are just coincidences. But as I let that thought sink in a bit, it felt almost contrary to everything I stand for and believe in, it was a totally taboo thought!! Ok, maybe that's a little extreme (LOL) but honestly, it's a challenging thought for me to grasp because at the heart of me I'm an everything-happens-for-a-reason type of chick.  Although I do understand that "there are NO coincidences" is probably also a challenge for others; I've never really sat down to discuss what "others" around me think about this topic.  Overall, it really made me start feeling like there may be some gray areas in my thought process.  So, I did some research on the topic.

When polling friends about the subject, one quoted, "Coincidences are miracles that man doesn't give God credit for." For me, this is a ridiculously powerful quote.  And for other believers in God and His role in our lives, it makes perfect sense.  But at the same time, it's a quote and an opinion.  Therefore, either you agree or you don't but it offers no scientific proof if you're one of those types of people who need "evidence."  But many scientists have developed theoretical explanations on how events happen to repeatedly coincide through the use of statistics, physics, and other postulates -- so there is some supporting evidence to go along with the idea that coincidences are very probable. Although the types of coincidences used in these scientific calculations could be very mundane and not the otherwordly experiences and happenings that I'm thinking about when I say "there are no coincidences."  On the other hand, spiritual teachers insist that there are absolutely no coincidences in the world.  Everything that occurs can be related to prior cause or association, no matter how vast or how minute and trivial.  All is affected by something related to it that is seen or unseen, cognized or unknowable.  So I'd say that it seems in essence that those who base their thoughts in spirituality always tend to lean towards -- no coincidences. And those that base their sights on scientific findings feel that coincidences are in fact a part of life.  But haven't we all had some seemingly eerie incident happen to us at one point or another in our lives that reinforced the thought that coincidences simply don't exist?  I know I have!! :-)

So, where do you stand in this debate -- Are there coincidences? Are coincidences non-existent? Or are you somewhere in the middle?  If nothing at all, it certainly makes you think.

KHurly Girl