Friday, February 18, 2011

Food for the Soul

Scripture: 2 Corinthians 12: 9-10, "My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness...For when I am weak, then I am strong."

God is always with us. He hears our prayers and wants us to lean on Him. He expects us to have faith that He will deliver us from all our trials and tribulations. He wants us to hand over our struggles to Him -- "Let Go and Let God!"  He is our sense of peace, confidence, and understanding when things don't seem clear in our lives.

No one wants to be weak, so we find ways to appear strong. So in turn, we sometimes create illusions of strength, which are actually signs of weakness.  When we are truly strong, we have the courage to admit our limitations and to acknowledge our dependence on God.  As a result, true strength often looks a lot like weakness. God’s greatest power can be displayed in our biggest weakness. We at times long to “shred” memories of bad things that others have done to us or difficult circumstances we’re going through. Difficulties burden us as we mull them over in our minds, affecting our relationships and our outlook on life. We as believers in Christ have a place to take these burdens. When the apostle Paul prayed that an affliction would be taken from him, God answered, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness” (2 Cor. 12:9).  Paul responded with: “When I am weak, then I am strong” (v.10). God didn’t take away the problem. Instead, He gave Paul the grace to live with it.

Toward the end of Jesus’ earthly ministry, some of His disciples were striving for positions of prominence. Jesus used their argument as an opportunity to teach them that in His kingdom things are different: greatness comes when we willingly assume positions of weakness (Matt. 20:26).  This is a hard truth. God gives enough grace for whatever we face.

Prayer: Lord, as we wrestle with the struggles and issues in our lives, please give us peace and clarity as we try to understand Your will in our lives. We understand that no problem is too large for you Almighty God. Make us aware of Your presence, Your power, and Your abundant mercy. Amen.